
The generic name generator for your computer/desktop computer name


Technically, this program will run just fine on any devices with web browser capability. But, I heavily advise you to use this on a desktop computer, laptop, or your mobile devices due to its comfortable screen size and great performance (compared to something like car's Android TV, smartwatch, etc.)

How to use this?

After you generate the name, here are some of ideas on where you could put it down before typing :

Why I made this tool?

Sometimes, every 6 months or so, I like to re-install my Windows computer to keep it fresh. And everytime I got to the "Name your local account" part, I always stuck on what name should I use, surprisingly similar like the time I have to come up with in-game name/nickname when I start playing a game. So, I made this tool to help me generate a name for my computer, and I hope it can help you too!